About us | Innova ocular
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Innova Ocular
Innova Ocular is Spain's most prestigious and traditional national network of Eye Microsurgery clinics. It is a medical institution formed by three generations of ophthalmologists specialising in the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of all kinds of eye disorders, offering our patients a comprehensive Ophthalmology service.
Founded in 2000, Innova Ocular provides the highest possible levels of safety thanks to the expertise of our ophthalmologists and the use of the very latest techniques.
In our endeavour to improve our patients' eye health, we offer latest-generation ophthalmic treatments and techniques, as well as the long-standing experience and knowledge of our professionals to provide the best medical solution for each specific eye disease or problem.
Innova Ocular currently has clinics across most of Spain, located mainly in urban settings, offering a personalised ophthalmology service and providing each person with individual attention and care in line with the group's philosophy of proximity and approachability.
Each treatment also comes with the highest possible level of assurance and safety, experience, quality and technology. The medical staff of Innova Ocular, which comprises more than 65 ophthalmologists specialising in different eye disorders, use the latest diagnostic and surgical equipment available and have invested in cutting-edge technology to apply the most modern techniques and solutions to ensure their patients' optimum vision.
Spain's most prestigious national network of Eye Microsurgery clinics
Innova Ocular's national network of clinics currently consists of 15 centres located in all Spain's major cities:
Innova Ocular – Begitek (Beasáin and San Sebastián)
Innova Ocular –Clínica Ferreruela (Lleida)
Innova Ocular – Clínica Muiños (Tenerife North, Tenerife South and La Palma)
Innova Ocular – Clínica Vila (Valencia)
Innova Ocular – Dr. Soler (Elche)
Innova Ocular – ICO Barcelona (Barcelona)
Innova Ocular – IOA Madrid (Madrid)
Innova Ocular – La Arruzafa (Córdoba)
Innova Ocular – Oculsur (Cádiz, Jerez and Chiclana)
Innova Ocular – Virgen de Luján (Seville)
Innova Ocular performed approximately 50,000 procedures and operations and more than 145,000 consultations in 2013, and it expects to see a regular, systematic growth of around 15% in 2015 due to its current phase of integration and expansion, which will soon include new clinics joining the network.
Without glasses, without contact lenses and with my best smile.
At Innova Ocular, you'll see that IT IS POSSIBLE.
Why Innova Ocular? 
Because we are specialists in refractive surgery, myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism, presbyopia or eyestrain and cataracts. We also have specialised units for retina, glaucoma, cornea, oculoplasty, neuro-ophthalmology and paediatric ophthalmology treatments.
Because we offer a comprehensive Ophthalmology service. At Innova Ocular we treat any visual disorder, problem or defect and provide the most appropriate solution in each case.
Because the treatments provided by this national network of Eye Microsurgery clinics are based on cutting-edge technology, and the most advanced laser equipment on the market.
Because it is a medical company whose service offers the highest levels of quality.
Corporate policy
Innova Ocular's vision, mission and values are the mainstays of the group's daily growth and they express its desire to identify with patients, society, its shareholders and employees. Commitment, progress and continuous improvement are currently the main strategic objectives of Innova Ocular and its employees.
Innova Ocular's vision is to offer solutions and medical treatments for diseases and problems that can affect people's sight, helping to improve people's health for the benefit and development of society as a whole.
Innova Ocular's mission is to be a leading private healthcare company based on its values: knowledge and research; trust and closeness to patients; ethics and responsibility; credibility and patient service; and efficiency based on medical considerations and the strictest quality controls.
The values that identify Innova Ocular are respect for people, care for their health, approachability, trust, patient service, excellence, an extensive corporate social responsibility programme and efficiency.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Innova Ocular has active corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies and procedures based on respect for health, the environment, sustainability and the individual.
In this regard, the network of clinics follows the guidelines for good clinical practice in accordance with the ethics and code of conduct that govern the standards and values of its professional activity.
It also maintains patient privacy and confidentiality according to Organic Law on Data Protection (LOPD), constantly assessing compliance with the legislation.
Innova Ocular strives to improve society's eye health and quality of life, and so its efforts are focused on its patients and their needs and expectations because they are at the centre of this strategy, which is implemented according to the strictest ethical and environmental parameters. The employees of this national network of clinics are therefore the driving force behind this strategy and are Innova Ocular's most valuable asset.
Through its foundations, Innova Ocular actively collaborates with the most disadvantaged, low-income sectors of society, with an active, far-reaching, medical charity programme that provides treatments and solutions for diseases and, under the supervision of Medical Directors to improve the quality of life of the world's citizens.
The foundations forming part of Innova Ocular and which contribute to research, the teaching of scientific knowledge and the promotion of eye health, regardless of economic, social or geographical constraints, are: